What men want in a relationship

Do you want to know what men want in a relationship?

Yogesh Soni
6 min readMay 10, 2022
Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

If you’re looking for love, or just want to make your current relationship stronger, this is the perfect guide for you. We’ll teach you how to understand your man’s needs and give him what he wants in return. You won’t find this information anywhere else.

Once you’ve learned these tips, you’ll be able to show your partner how much you care and make them feel loved in return. It’s time to build a better relationship with the man in your life — start reading now!

Men want someone they can trust and rely on, someone who will be there for them through thick and thin. They also want someone who is their equal, someone who can keep up with them intellectually and emotionally.

A man wants a partner who is patient and understanding, especially when it comes to his feelings. He wants someone who can listen to him and offer advice when he needs it. A man also wants a partner who is supportive and loving, someone who will be there for him no matter what happens.

1. Understand what men want

A relationship is only as strong as the communication between partners.

If you want to understand what men want in a relationship, start by asking him what he needs from you.

Many men feel pressure to be the breadwinner and provider, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need emotional intimacy and support from their partner.

Just as women need to feel loved and appreciated, men need to feel respected and needed.

When a man feels like he can’t express his feelings or needs without being judged, it can put a strain on the relationship.

Don’t be afraid to ask your partner what he wants and needs from you, and be open to honest communication about your own needs as well.

By understanding and meeting each other’s needs, you can build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

2. Give your man what he wants in return

In any relationship, it’s important to make sure that both partners are happy.

Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our own needs that we forget to consider our partner’s wants and needs.

However, making an effort to give your man what he wants can really improve your relationship. It shows that you care about him and are willing to make an effort to please him.

Plus, it’s a great way to keep the romance alive! There are lots of little things you can do to make your man happy, from cooking his favorite meal to surprise him with a heartfelt gift.

But perhaps the most important thing you can do is simply listen to him and be there for him when he needs you.

By giving your man what he wants, you’ll be showing him just how much you love and care for him.

3. Show your partner how much you care

It’s easy to take your partner for granted, especially if you’ve been together for a while.

But it’s important to remember that relationships need to be nurtured and cared for if they’re going to stay strong.

One of the best ways you can show your partner how much you care is by doing little things for them that let them know they’re always on your mind.

It could be leaving a love note in their lunchbox, or sending them a text during the day just to say you’re thinking of them. Little gestures like these go a long way in making your partner feel loved and appreciated.

So make an effort to show your partner how much you care, and you’ll be rewarded with a stronger, happier relationship.

4. Make him feel loved and appreciated

It’s important to make your partner feel loved and appreciated. Often, we get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to express our affection for one another.

One simple way to show your partner how much you care is to take the time to tell them, each and every day.

Whether it’s a quick “I love you” before you head out the door or a longer conversation about your relationship, making that connection with words will help to keep your bond strong.

Taking the time to listen to your partner and really hear what they’re saying is also vitally important.

Let them know that you’re there for them and that you truly value their thoughts and feelings. By making your partner feel loved and appreciated, you’ll be strengthening your relationship and setting yourselves up for a lifetime of happiness together.

5. Be patient and understanding

When it comes to relationships, it’s important to be patient and understanding.

After all, we’re all human and we all make mistakes. What matters most is how we handle those mistakes — do we own up to them and try to make things right, or do we ignore them and hope they’ll go away?

Being patient and understanding doesn’t mean putting up with bad behavior, but it does mean giving people the benefit of the doubt and giving them a chance to redeem themselves.

In the end, relationships are all about communication, compromise, and forgiving each other when things go wrong.

So if you want your relationship to stand the test of time, make sure you’re always willing to give your partner the benefit of the doubt.

6. Be supportive and loving

True love is all about being supportive and understanding, even when things are tough. It’s about being there for each other, through the good times and the bad. It’s about knowing that, no matter what happens, you’ll always have each other’s backs. That’s what love is really all about. So if you’re lucky enough to have found it, never let it go. Cherish it, nurture it, and love each other with all your heart. Because that’s what true love is really all about.

7. Listen to your partner

One of the most important things in a relationship is communication. Couples need to be able to talk to each other about their thoughts, feelings, and needs in order to maintain a healthy relationship. However, communication isn’t just about sharing your own thoughts and feelings. It’s also about listening to your partner. When your partner is talking, really listen to what they’re saying. Try to understand their point of view, even if you don’t agree with it. Also, you can share your own perspective why you disagree with it. Active listening can be helpful in resolving conflicts and can deepen the connection between you and your partner. So next time your partner starts talking, really listen to what they have to say. It could make all the difference in your relationship.

8. Offer advice when needed

No relationship is perfect, and even the healthiest couples can find themselves arguing from time to time. However, it’s important to remember that a little bit of conflict can be healthy for a relationship.

After all, it’s often through discussing our differences that we learn more about our partner and grow closer as a result. That said, there are certain times when it’s best to offer advice and other times when it’s best to stay quiet.

If your partner comes to you with a problem, it’s usually a good idea to lend a listening ear and offer support.

However, if your partner isn’t seeking out your opinion, then it’s probably best to respect their wishes and refrain from giving unsolicited advice.

Ultimately, the key is to be supportive without being overbearing. If you can strike that balance, you’ll be able to navigate even the stormiest of relationship waters.

9. Be there for your partner no matter what happens.

Within the relationship be these for your partner no matter what happens.

Whether they’re having a good day or a bad day, you should be there to support them. It’s also important to be understanding and patient.

Relationships can be tough, and sometimes things happen that are out of your control. But if you’re committed to your partner, you’ll work through whatever challenges come your way.

Because in the end, that’s what relationships are all about — being there for each other through good times and bad.


So what do men want in a relationship? The answer is simple, really. They want someone who makes them feel good. Someone they can trust and be themselves around. Someone who supports them and loves them for who they are. If you can give your man that, he’ll be yours forever. Are you ready to learn what the men in your life really want? Let us show you how understanding male psychology can help you have a better relationship with the man in your life.

